Privacy Policy
Danceforce Performing Arts Academy is committed to process any personal information it holds only in ways that are fair, transparently and meet its legal obligations, in other words, in accordance with the Data Protection Act and its successor the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Data protection principles The legislation sets out various data protection principles. These include that personal information is:
• used fairly and lawfully
• used for limited, specifically stated purposes
• used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
• accurate
• kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary
• kept safe and secure
• not transferred outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection
All Danceforce staff will have access to your childs name, emergency contact and any allergies/medical needs whilst in class.
Your childs name and D.O.B will be used when entering examinations and festivals/competitions by being passed directly to the organisation.
If you should leave Danceforce you can cancel your registration and shall not be contacted by any member of staff after.